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Clear Quartz Crystal Comb


Hand crafted crystal combs made with 100% Genuine Clear Quartz

Size: 4 x 2 in

Delicately made for selfcare!

  • Energy Alignment: Crystal combs can help balance and align the energy fields of the body, as crystals are believed to emit vibrational frequencies that resonate with different chakras and energy centers.

  • Scalp Stimulation and Relaxation: Combing with a crystal comb can improve circulation to the scalp, promoting hair health while providing a soothing and calming experience that reduces stress and tension.

  • Metaphysical Properties: Depending on the crystal type, a crystal comb can impart specific energetic benefits, such as enhancing clarity (Clear Quartz), fostering self-love (Rose Quartz), or promoting grounding and protection (Smoky Quartz).

Metaphysical Properties:

  1. Amplification of Energy: Clear Quartz is renowned for its ability to amplify energy, including the energy of other stones. It is often used in combination with other crystals to enhance their properties and strengthen the overall energy field.

  2. Clarity and Focus: Clear Quartz is associated with mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It is believed to help clear the mind of distractions, enhance memory, and promote logical thinking.

  3. Spiritual Connection: Clear Quartz is considered a powerful tool for spiritual growth and connection. It is often used in meditation and energy work to facilitate a deeper connection to higher realms, guides, and one's inner self.

Geological Description: Clear Quartz is a variety of crystalline quartz, composed of silicon dioxide. It is one of the most common minerals on Earth and can be found in a wide range of geological environments. Clear Quartz crystals form in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. They can develop in various shapes and sizes, from small points to large, well-formed crystals.

Birthstone: Clear Quartz is not traditionally associated with a specific birthstone month in the standard birthstone charts. However, it is a versatile and widely appreciated gemstone that can be worn by individuals regardless of their birth month.

Chakra Associations: Clear Quartz is often associated with all chakras, as it is believed to be a universal healer and energy amplifier. It can be used to balance, activate, and align all the chakras, facilitating a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. Clear Quartz is particularly effective in opening the crown chakra, connecting individuals to higher states of consciousness and spiritual realms.